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17 - Stripping the carcass

Component recovery and assessment for restoration or replacement continues. here we have the washer bottle, still containing fluid. One of the clips that hold it to the heater shroud has come away with it.

And after a bit of a clean & the fabrication of a new bracket. This time I used some steelwork and plastic coated clips. This will then get bolted onto the heater shroud.

The heater shroud with heater box and ducting was pretty ropey. The base of the heater is heavily corroded. Luckily I had a salvaged unit in much better condition. Once broken down repairs could be undertaken.

Some fibreglass repairs and some paint complete the look. With the heater box attached along with the wash bottle bracket.

A quick look at the renovated heater matrix. The unit was descaled to make sure there was no gunk blocking it.

The wiper rack was a real pig to remove & I may have been better off breaking it down on removal. As a result parts got bent, but I had a complete rack spare with which to take bits. The wheel boxes were opened and the teeth inspected. Both units were full of hardened old grease, as was the tubing. The wiper motor was seized with old grease and a careful strip down and clean out got it free.

The rack was painted and re assembled. New rubber mounts were fitted to the motor for when it is ready to go back on the chassis mounting. Some brand new chrome bezels were also bought & new wiper arms stand ready to be fitted. The whole rig was tested to ensure everything moved in unison.

The throttle linkage is a simple affair being a rotating bar that pushes up hinged links via a pivot on the exhaust manifold to operate the carb. The two small links were easily unclipped and restored. The main bar was seized in position with the p clips that hold it to the chassis being completely corroded. The whole lot was removed. A less worn peddle was taken off a spare rod whilst the metalwork was treated and painted. Nice new P clips were purchased.

Now I was collecting items that were ready to be fitted to the chassis.

And as the paint gets removed I thought I had better remove the lighting !

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